The volume for CSSP 2019

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This is a preview page for EISS 13. Papers are added as they are completed, and each paper is dated and marked as a preview. Note that the page numbers are not yet finalized.

  • Kinjal Joshi, Agreement and information structure in Surati Gujarati, 24 pages, 2020-12-30, SHA-224 hash = ba991bfe9ae0e352a9945351f24c9b3b350db29d5206764d59ac21bc
  • Makoto Kaneko, Non-responsibility and narrow scope reading of positive polarity indefinites in negative imperatives and negated controlled infinitive complements, 30 pages, 2020-12-30, SHA-224 hash = 9afaa235f02f8c9e50c6c644fe04412b4181552daeefab51cdfb46b3
  • d
  • Tillmann Pross, Distributional semantics and the conceptual foundations of verb meaning: How neural word embeddings memorize the unaccusative hypothesis, 27 pages, 2020-12-30, SHA-224 hash = f7bb53e873df3d3f88b0789346a79132bb8d9c2a17f3cdd984ebf2ab
  • Manfred Sailer, Attributive wrong in underspecified semantics, 30 pages, 2020-12-31, SHA-224 hash = 3ed61e0435a3722d0762d1e729dab2a53a32f834c207ef83b9ee746c
  • Martin Schäfer, Distributional profiling and the semantics of modifier classes, 28 pages, 2020-12-31, SHA-224 hash = 32f37b4369d3ce259f5d09805886649943cfd8d647aa2988b7e977c1
preview.1609430858.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/31 16:07 by cjpinon