This is EISS 13, available in both PDF and DjVu (“Déjà Vu”) formats:
Front Matter, pp. i–iv:
PDF (161380 B),
DjVu (22658 B)
Kinjal Joshi, Agreement and information structure in Surati Gujarati, pp. 1–24:
PDF (215671 B),
DjVu (261179 B)
Makoto Kaneko, Non-responsibility and narrow scope reading of positive polarity indefinites in negative imperatives and negated controlled infinitive complements, pp. 25–54:
PDF (290114 B),
DjVu (350091 B)
Kalle Müller, Perception verbs and finite complement clauses, pp. 55–79:
PDF (241059 B),
DjVu (276421 B)
Tillmann Pross, Distributional semantics and the conceptual foundations of verb meaning: How neural word embeddings memorize the unaccusative hypothesis, pp. 81–107:
PDF (423768 B),
DjVu (376799 B)
Manfred Sailer, Attributive
wrong in underspecified semantics, pp. 109–138:
PDF (311093 B),
DjVu (338744 B)
Martin Schäfer, Distributional profiling and the semantics of modifier classes, pp. 139–166:
PDF (253800 B),
DjVu (305673 B)
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Finally, for citing a paper in EISS 13, a BIB file is provided:
A formatted list of the papers included in EISS 13 that uses this BIB file is also provided, both as a PDF file and a source TEX file: